At EPiC, post-inspection remediation is a core element of our GXP compliance consultancy service. Many of EPiCs consultants have experience of MHRA Compliance Management team (CMT) and Inspection Action Group (IAG) processes, gained working within the MHRA and also outside as consultants. EPiC auditors regularly support companies who have been referred to CMT or IAG , leading root cause analysis workshops, advising on the response to the inspection findings, developing remediation plans and assisting with implementation. In a number of cases, EPiC have also provided assessment of compliance improvement following MIA suspension which have led to reinspection by MHRA and lifting of the suspension.
In response to the recent MHRA Inspectorate Blog post, which can be found here: Compliance Monitor process (Part 1) – An introduction
Richard Andrews commented ‘Based on our extensive experience to date, EPiC fully supports MHRA’s plan to further evolve it’s risk-based inspection practices with the launch of the compliance monitor process, which will see the MHRA begin a pilot programme for GMP and GDP remediation supervision by eligible consultants acting as Compliance Monitors. EPiC intend to apply to be named on the register of compliance monitors and eagerly awaits the publication of the second part of MHRA’s compliance monitor process blog, which is expected to provide more details on the Compliance Monitor role and application process’.
Richard Andrews-EPiC Managing Director and Senior Consultant