Making Pharmaceuticals Conference 2024

The EPiC Team

Pharma Discovery to Distribution

The EPiC team were pleased to be able to attend the UK’s Making Pharmaceuticals Conference 2024 in Coventry from 23rd to 24th April 2024.

The two-day conference covered topics spanning the entire product lifecycle, from discovery to distribution, and it was a fantastic opportunity to explain and promote our services to the conference attendees as well as meet with many of our current and past clients

EPiC delivered two presentations at the event. Darren Jones presented ‘Annex 1—Current & Future Deficiencies’, which identified areas where the pharmaceutical Industry routinely failed to comply with the previous Annex 1 and looked ahead to predict the potential compliance ‘pitfalls’ within the revised guidance and how to avoid these. 

Lewis Corbett presented on ‘Inspection Readiness’, which covered what being inspection-ready means in practice based on insights from former MHRA Inspectors. It highlighted expectations for PQS documentation, completion of operational activities, and examples of how to leverage output from the PQS to confirm GMDP compliance and prepare for a regulatory inspection.

The conference brought together industry leaders, professionals, and experts to share knowledge, insights, and innovations in the pharmaceutical field. Attending this event was an opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations, learn about developments in the industry, and contribute to ongoing advancements in healthcare.

We’ve already signed up to attend again next year, so be sure to save the date and join us on 29th and 30th April 2025!

EU GMP Inspection Readiness: Path to Success

Following on from the how to prepare for a regulatory inspection advice we shared during our recent virtual symposium, one of EPiC’s GMP consultants has recently returned from helping a client in California with their inspection readiness activities in preparation for the site’s first EU GMP regulatory inspection.

The on-site consultancy support provided the opportunity for the inspection hosts and subject matter experts (SMEs) to gain an appreciation of the EU GMP inspection process style and what to expect. It highlighted general points for all staff as well as some specific Do’s and Don’ts.

Newfound Confidence

The visit provided recommendations for the management of the inspection with respect to hosting, tour, and the ‘back room’ logistics and provided the opportunity to practice the inspection document request system. The facility tour focused on identifying key GMP issues so that the consultant could work with the SMEs to develop recommendations to address any issues and provided an opportunity for the SMEs to practice presenting information to an inspector.

The client reported that our consultant had been “an amazing asset by highlighting some gaps, conveyed the likely criticality of those gaps, and provided recommendations on how to address.” The inspection readiness support has given the site a newfound confidence to approach the inspection with a realistic yet positive mindset.

The client reported that “whilst we know we will have some observations, we now feel confident that the site will show well and will be able to demonstrate that we are in a state of control”, which all bodes well for a successful inspection outcome.

Are you Inspection Ready?

Take a look at our recent top-tip article by Michelle Yeomans focusing on Inspection Readiness to help you stay calm and be prepared!

Get in touch if you want to know more about our mock inspections or bespoke inspection readiness training by using our contact form here: Contact Us