EPIC Auditors are delighted to welcome ex MHRA Inspector Tony Orme to the team as an independent consultant.

Tony has over 32 years’ experience at the MHRA working in various areas of regulation of medicinal product supply chains. As a former MHRA GDP Inspector, with 22 years within the MHRA GDP Inspectorate team where he reached Expert Inspector level, he undertook the most high profile and complex inspections across the UK.

Tony Orme ex MHRA Inspector

Tony was the GDP EU Exit Lead and formulated the post Brexit guidance for import from listed countries, the RPi role and supply to Northern Ireland. He led on the implementation of the Falsified Medicines Directive for distributors in the UK and the continued use of the Medicines Verification system in Northern Ireland.

During his career at the MHRA Tony was involved in the development of most UK GDP policies, including the GDP risk based inspection strategy and supply chain security. He was GDP lead for IAG cases for many years and is ideally placed to help distributors ensure their operations are compliant or help respond to failures and to develop and implement effective remedial actions.

With his comprehensive portfolio of experience, Tony is an excellent addition to the EPIC team.

I have known and worked with Tony for over 20 years and am delighted that he has joined the EPiC team of Experts as an independent consultant. His knowledge and experience of GDP and supply chain security is second to none.

As announced last week at the MHRA Symposium 2023 the GDP Inspectorate are moving to a licence based inspection model, whereby the overall compliance of all sites named on a WDA(H) will be determined from the inspection outcomes of a selected sample of the sites. In implementing this approach, the GDP Inspectorate will be making greater use of unannounced and short notice inspections. Ensuring all sites are in a constant state of inspection readiness is therefore now even more important.

Through EPiC, Tony and the other former MHRA GDP Inspectors, who also work as independent consultants for us, can conduct regular and routine mock inspections and audits to help you maintain the required level of compliance and ultimately be inspection ready.

Richard Andrew, EPiC Director & Senior Consultant

Pharmaceutical Industry Experts

Auditors used by EPIC are former Regulatory Inspectors, typically ex MHRA Inspectors. All auditors have extensive industry experience and many years of experience auditing and inspecting within the pharmaceutical industry.

To read the bio and full CV for Tony Orme and our other experts’ visit Meet Our Experts

If you need our help and support then please contact us on +44 (0)1244 980544 or e mail us at enquiries@epic-auditors.com


Trust us: IAG is not an acronym that you want to be too familiar with. It stands for Inspection Action Group, the multidisciplinary team at the MHRA that determines whether your organisation maintains or loses its manufacturing or wholesale dealers licence.

It may be surprising to some of you that after 50 years plus of pharmaceutical legislation and GMP/GDP regulations that 3-4 companies a month still find themselves being referred to IAG with the potential of having their licences suspended or coming under strict and costly surveillance by the MHRA Compliance Management Team.

However, this is not so surprising to us in the EPIC Auditors team. Most of us are ex MHRA Inspectors, and we know only too well that any change in the Senior Management of a company can have a significant effect on the quality mindset and compliance level of a site.

Hopefully it will be for the better but sadly all too often it is for the worse. Most of the companies that we work with require our help because the quality focus at senior level is inadequate. It is still rare to see a Quality Director on the Board of Directors and this role should be seen as important as that of the Finance Director and Operations Director. If all Senior Management Teams had the Quality training and Quality understanding required to run the business in a cost effective and compliant manner, then we might see a reduction in Inspection Action Group cases at MHRA.

It is our opinion that anyone appointed to a Senior Management Team role should undergo mandatory training in Quality Management and ICH Q 10 principles.  Those companies that we have provided this training for will hopefully endorse our thinking. It is a requirement of GMP that all employees have training in Quality Management and this includes the Senior Management Team. Failures to implement an appropriate Pharmaceutical Quality System and to conduct suitable and effective quality management reviews with the involvement of senior management, feature in the top 10 deficiencies raised by MHRA year on year. Ensuring the Senior Management Team are aware of and are trained in their quality role and responsibilities, should lead to fewer companies facing the threat of IAG.




We are very pleased to announce that Peter Coombs and Claire Glenister have recently joined the EPIC Auditors team. This will bring the number of Ex MHRA Inspectors working with EPIC Auditors to fourteen.

With access to such a wide range of knowledge and experience, we are confident that we can provide GXP support throughout the medicinal product lifecycle and help all our clients to improve their GXP quality systems and regulatory compliance.

If you need our help and support then please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Telephone Number: +44 (0)1244 980544

Peter Coombs
Peter Coombs
Claire Glenister
Claire Glenister