Virtual GXP Events of EPiC Proportions
Learn from the Pharma Compliance Experts!
Our full day webinars are delivered remotely comprising a variety of ex MHRA Inspector speakers and guest MHRA Inspectorate speakers. They are ideal for pharmaceutical industry professionals in quality control, quality assurance, supply chain and production management, as well as Qualified Persons, regulatory and pharma compliance specialists involved in the manufacturing of medicines.
Our virtual pharma compliance training events are designed to be interactive and informal and will give you vital advice on how to comply with the ever-changing regulatory environment that pertains to medicines regulation, manufacturing and supply and advice on how to maintain the highest standards of pharma compliance.
We encourage free-flowing interactive sessions to give everyone an opportunity to raise any questions, which will be answered by our panel of experts, providing a thought-provoking and informative day with a few laughs along the way.
EPiC’s Past Events
Reads our Testimonials Here